Education and Training

Hertfordshire County Dance Teachers’ Association (CDTA)




BEEE Creative provides consultancy and dance sector expertise to support dance development in Hertfordshire Schools.The CDTA is an award-winning* voluntary organization run by teachers and dance professionals to promote high quality dance in Hertfordshire Schools.They support teachers delivering dance at all key stages. The CDTA aims to help members by:
  • Providing advice, guidance and support for teachers of dance in all settings.
  • Providing access to teaching ideas, resources, contacts and general information to keep you up to date with current dance developments.
  • Organising a biennial Hertfordshire Schools’ County Dance Festival.

Click here to link to the CDTA Website

*2017 One Dance UK Dance Teaching Award for Inspirational Work in Education

Previous Funders: Hertfordshire County Dance Teachers’ Association (CDTA)

Upcoming Events

July 2024
