The project aimed to support development of Arts and Heritage provision in Luton, building new partnerships with BEEE Creative CIO, MakeAmplify, the Culture Trust Luton and local schools that lay the foundations for on-going work beyond the project. It aimed to work with new audiences - young people from Luton identified 'at risk' (including but not exclusively those living in poverty, disengaged from education, young carers). It was anticipated the participants would be able to express their views on local arts and heritage provision that could in turn be used to shape future programming; ensuring young people have an ownership of the project and develop a sense of belonging.
“My whole brain is up! I was so excited. I accidentally kept waking up because I was so excited.”
The aim of Museums in Motion Luton was to challenge and address inequality of access to cultural activity and progression routes for young people in Luton.
The project outcomes were focused on impact on:
A full evaluation report is available for this project >>
The Culture Trust Luton
MakeAmplify - Stewart Baxter, Jennifer Irons, Zach Walker
Funder: The Steel Charitable Trust